Senior Accountant

Senior Accountant


Techcom Capital, a subsidiary of Techcombank specializing in Fund Management, is seeking a Senior Accountant specialized in Fund Management to join our financial team at our Hanoi office.
This is an opportunity for you to become a member of the innovative and reputable investment team in Vietnam!
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
  • Execute daily transaction instructions of the Funds
  • Coordinate with the Fund Management department to calculate the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Funds daily; review periodic reports (monthly/quarterly/yearly) of the Funds, collaborate with Audit units during periodic audits (bi-annually/annually)
  • Handle transactions related to daily investments of Investors and Funds
  • Prepare reports as required (for Managed Portfolio)
  • Carry out tasks related to Fund Management operations (issue transaction invoices, handle transaction-related accounting, coordinate with credit institutions to collect Deposit Confirmations for Investor Accounts, etc.)
  • Perform tasks related to legal documentation of the Funds at Supervisory Banks and partners
  • Update data in the internal system and provide information related to the Funds to internal and external parties as per requested
  • Perform other tasks based on arrangements and assignments from department leadership


  • Hold a degree or higher in Accounting, Finance; priority for those with specialized qualifications in Fund Management and knowledge in the field of technology
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in financial accounting in Banking, financial institutions, securities, and audit
  • Good command of English
  • Strong skills in financial planning, budgeting, and cash flow management
  • Priority for good knowledge and understanding of the banking, financial securities, Fund Management sectors
  • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
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